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Home >> News >> Car tires are divided into several layers

Car tires are divided into several layers

Released on Jul. 31, 2023

Automobile tires are one of the important parts of automobiles. They are in direct contact with the road surface, and work together with the suspension of the automobile to ease the impact of the car while driving, ensuring that the car has good seating comfort and smooth driving; ensuring that the wheels and the road surface have Good adhesion; improve the traction, braking and passability of the car; bearing the weight of the car, the important role played by tires on the car has attracted more and more attention.

Structural classification

Can be divided into radial tires, bias tires

Pattern classification

Can be divided into strip pattern tires, transverse pattern tires, mixed pattern tires, off-road pattern tires


Tires are classified according to vehicle types and can be roughly divided into 8 types. That is: PC—car tires; LT—light truck tires; TB—truck and bus tires; AG—agricultural vehicle tires; OTR—engineering vehicle tires; ID—industrial vehicle tires; AC - aircraft tires; MC - motorcycle tires.